Free Confidential PTSD Assessment

This online PTSD screening is strictly for general information purposes and is not a substitute for an in-person clinical evaluation. The screening is free & completely anonymous if you choose. The online PTSD screening takes about 5 minutes and provides general feedback when completed.

Please discuss any questions you may have with your physician or an mental health treatment professional. If you need help finding the right treatment professional or center, please call us.

1. Do you find yourself quick to anger, anxious, or irritable most days of the week for long periods of time?

2. Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

3. Do you feel fatigued or lethargic most of the time, no matter how much sleep you get?

4. Do you ever feel like you are being watched, fearful that someone is constantly out to get you?

5. Do you continually experience racing, intrusive memories or thoughts that you can’t seem to control?

6. Do you ever feel unable to enter certain locations or be around certain sights, sounds, or people for fear that unpleasant memories may be triggered?

7. Do you ever feel unable to relax or always on edge?

8. Have you ever heard a voice or seen something that you later realized was not really there or was not observed by others?

9. Do you ever feel unable to leave your home, even when you have work, school, or social responsibilities?

10. Do you struggle to control your temper, often feeling high levels of rage?

11. Do you regularly use substances such as alcohol or illicit drugs, often feeling unable to function without them?

12. Do you ever have thoughts of harming others, and have you ever made a plan to do so?

13. Have you had thoughts of harming yourself, or have you ever made an attempt to take your own life?

Thank you for taking Cove Forge Behavioral Health's Trauma Screening.

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Marks of Quality Care
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • Glasser Quality Organization
  • Pennsylvania Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs
  • PsychArmor